Workshop: Time Series, Wavelets and High Dimensional Data
At University of Campinas, August 29-30, 2019. Seats are limited, so please contact us at to let us know which days you will attend.
You can read the invited speakers’ presentation abstracts here.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
13h30 Opening
14h10-15h00 F. Ziegelmann (UFRGS)
Nonparametric Frontier Estimation
ST1 - Econometrics
15h00-15h25 M. Fernandes (FGV-SP)
Nonparametric testing of conditional independence using asymmetric kernels
15h25-15h50 M. Medeiros (PUC-RJ)
BooST: Boosting Smooth Transition Regression Trees for Partial Effect Estimation in Nonlinear Regressions
15h50-16h15 M. Zevallos (Unicamp)
Estimation of ARFIMA models: a minimum distance approach
16h20-16h40 Coffee Break
ST2 - Time Series
16h40-17h05 P. A. Morettin (USP)
Wavelet Estimation of Copulas for Time Series
17h05-17h30 L. K. Hotta (Unicamp)
Forecasting Conditional Covariance Matrices in High-Dimensional Time Series: a General Dynamic Factor Approach
17h30-17h55 C. Chiann (USP)
Estimating the trace-variogram in the ordinary kriging method for functional data using Legendre-Gauss quadrature
18h00-20h00 Poster Session
Friday, August 30, 2019
08h40-09h10 Coffee
09h10-10h00 Q. Yao (LSE)
Estimation of Subgraph Densities in Noisy Networks
10h00-10h50 J. Chang (SUFE, China)
A new scope of penalized empirical likelihood with high-dimensional estimating equations
10h50-11h40 Robert Lund (Clemson)
Multiple Breakpoint Detection: Mixing Documented and Undocumented Changepoints
11h40-12h30 J. Fan (Princeton)
Noisy matrix completion: Understanding statistical errors of convex relaxation via Nonconvex optimization
12h30 Closing
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