- Covariance Function Estimation by Spatial Deformations
- DCS Perturbations for ARFIMA Models
- Epidemiological Vigilance - New Models and Change Detection
- Financial Time Series
- Functional Data Conglomerates
- Generalized Transformed ARMA Models
- Indirect Estimation of Time Series Models
- Minimum Variance High-Dimensioal Portfolios
- Neuroimaging
- Point Process in Functional Data
- Phylogenetic Trees and Precision Medicine
- Quasi U-Statistics
- Sazonality in High-Frequency Data
- Spatial Confounding for Generalized Linear Models
- Spatio-Temporal Deformations
- Statistical Analysis of SAR Data
- Structural Decomposition for Space-Time Models
- Volatility Estimation and Prediction for High-Dimensional Financial Data
- Wavelet Analysis in Statistics
- Wavelets in Functional and High Dimensional Data Analysis
PhD Projects (DD) Scholarships
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